Minutes: 21st July 2015

Before the meeting began, Cllr. Murphy welcomed all to the meeting. He also set out the procedures for holding Parish Council Meetings, stating that at least three Councillors needed to be present in order to make the meetings quorate. He asked if anyone had any skills that may be useful to the Council.


  1. Attendance

Cllrs. Paul Murphy (Chairman), Anne Ibbs (Vice Chairman), Sandra Baxter, Yvonne Irving, Leo Kolassa, Jan Roberts, Michael Wield, Sefton Councillor Catie Page, Joan Croasdell (Clerk).


  1. Apologies

            Sefton Councillor Tim Hale


  1. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest



  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

            Having previously been circulated, these were agreed

            Proposed: Cllr. Ibbs   Seconded: Cllr. Page


  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes

            It was decided to defer the Finance Committee until the next meeting.


  1. Public Forum

            Sgt. Allum gave a short talk on local police activity.

There is generally a low crime rate in the area, mainly house burglaries and pedal bike thefts. Operation Dragonfly has another event scheduled for 21st August at Formby Pool. An operation re drug activity is also in progress.

Complaints had been received about speeding traffic in relation to the Old Power House Site. This is being looked into.


Anti-drink drive campaign is under way.


Figures for speeding accidents in the area are to be emailed to Cllr. Murphy for onward transmission to other Councillors.

Cllr Ibbs asked if tests for taking drugs were used at the same time as Breath tests for alcohol. This cannot be done at present unless reasonable suspicion is known.


  1. Website, Email and Dropbox

Cllr. Murphy stated that the Cabinet Office is responsible for the LAPC domain at this early stage. The Parish Council will advertise that there is a website available.

Information re Drop Box is to be distributed.


  1. Neighbourhood Plan Report

LAPC are working with Formby on this, but no meeting has taken place since last LAPC meeting.

Representatives are needed for these meetings, two besides Cllr. Murphy.

Cllrs. Irving and Wield were nominated and approved, and will attend the next meeting.


  1. Local Area Committee Report

            Cllr. Ibbs reported that no meeting had been held recently.


  1. Ten Parishes Report

There has not been a recent 10 Parishes meeting, but Cllr. Ibbs attended the 10 Parishes Event.


  1. Sefton MBC Report

            Local Plan still ongoing, but nothing to report involving LAPC.


  1. Civic Service

This is to be held on 13th September at St. Michaels and All Angels Church, Great Altcar. Rev. Prof. David Taylor will take the service.

Clerk to send out invitations.




  1. Quarterly Meetings

            All were in favour of Parish Council Meetings being held quarterly.


  1. Finances

            A         Balances       Current Account                                         3703.89                                                                    National Savings Account                        3497.33



B         Bills for Payment

            SLCC   (Book on Local council Administration                 85.50      

Paid in June

Ravenmeols Room Hire                                                        22.00

Aon Insurance                                                                        245.64



            Kirkwells have been paid a further £600 including VAT, but we only agreed to £500 originally. No receipt has been given, and

            the Clerk is to write about this.


Cllrs. Wield and Kolasso would like to discuss these arrangements with Formby Council.


  1. Planning Applications

            1 application


  1. Any Other business



  1. Date of Next Meeting

13th October 2015, either in Ravenmeols Community Centre, or
Formby Library, if the refurbishment has been completed.