Civic Meeting attended by the Mayor of Sefton to be held inf Formby Library meeting room on 12th January 2016 at 7.00pm.
1. Apologies
2. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest
3. Welcome to the Mayor and Mayoress of Sefton by the Chairman
4. Response by the Mayor
5. Public Forum
6. Minutes of Previous Meeting
7. Matters of Report from the Minutes
8. Mayor, Consort and Guests retire.
9 Neighbourhood Plan
10. Decision on Frequency of Meetings
11. Alt Wind Farm
12. Clerkâs resignation
13. Planning Applications
14. Correspondence
15 Finance Committee Report
16. Finance Officers Report
17.. Matters of Further Report – to be notified to the Chairman prior to the meeting
18. Date of next meeting – 9th February 2016.