Minutes: 14th October 2015


36. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave an outline of the Agenda for the evening.

37. Attendance

Cllr. Murphy (Chairman), Cllr. Ibbs (Vice Chair), Cllr. M. Wield, Cllr. S. Baxter, Cllr. J. Roberts, Cllr. Y. Irving , Cllr. Leo Kolassa, Inspector Atherton (Merseyside Police), Mr. Roberts, Joan Croasdell (Clerk).

38. Apologies

Sefton Cllr. T. Hale

39. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest


40. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Having previously been circulated, these were agreed.

Proposed: Cllr. Ibbs Seconded: Cllr. Roberts

41. Matters of Report from the Minutes

Item 30 – Civic Service.

This was unable to take place as The Mayor could not attend and most Councils could not send representatives. This is to be re-scheduled for next year, possible Sea Sunday in July.

42. Merseyside Police Update

Inspector Atherton mentioned the tragic death of Constable Dave Phillips from the Wirral, who was knocked down by a stolen truck.

Beachsafe Operation is still in force, although resources having been dramatically cut, it is a struggle to police the area.

All information on crime can be viewed on the Police website.

There has been a 42% reduction in house burglary in the last two years, but high profile crime is increasing.

Surgeries are still being held, but attendance is low.

Parking is a problem throughout the area, the Acorn, and Power House sites are two of the main causes of lack of spaces.

The force has been asked to make cuts of £48,000,00. They will continue to offer the best service they can within their limits.

43. Website

The Domain site name will be – Little Altcar-pc.gov.uk. Any articles or pictures arewelcome to be included.

44. Neighbourhood Plan Report

Cllr. Murphy cannot attend meetings on the scheduled dates. Cllr. Leo Kolassa will attend. Kirkwells is no longer being used as Consultants. New consultants are being considered.

LAPC has paid £1,200 inc. VAT but Formby has not paid anything so far.

Three Surveys are to take place, one for residents under 18, one for over 18, and one for businesses.

Schools have been included, and most pupils just want open spaces with water, and clean toilets.

The Steering Group will keep the Parish Council updated on the progress.

45. Local Area Committee Report

Cllr. Ibbs Attended, but nothing to report.

46. Ten Parishes Report.

Cllr. Ibbs was unable to attend the meeting.

47. Sefton MBC Report

As there were no Sefton Councillors present, no report was made.

48. Remembrance Day

Cllr. Murphy will represent the PC at St. Michaels and All Angels, and Cllr. Ibbs will attend Holy Trinity. Wreaths will be laid by both Councillors.

49. Civic Meeting

The Mayor has been invited to attend the First meeting on 2016, on 12th January.

50. Finance Committee

Cllrs. Murphy, Roberts and Kolassa are to form this committee, and decide when meetings should be held.

51. Finance and Accounts Report

A Balances

Current Account 2946.89

National Savings Account 3497.33

B Bills for Payment

J. Croasdell – Salary 500.00

Council Book 85.50

Auditors 84.00

The clerk reported that she had contacted NSI re new mandate to be completed.

52. Planning Applications


53. Any Other Business

FPC has a Footpaths Committee, and it was suggested that a member from LAPC should join this committee.

As meetings are now only being held quarterly, it was proposed that extra meetings should be called if necessary, between the regular meetings.

54. Date of Next Meeting

12th January 2016 .at 7.00pm in Formby Library