73. Attendance
Cllrs. P. Murphy (Chairman), M. Weild, L. Kolassa, S. Baxter, Y.Irvine,
Mrs. J. Croasdell (Clerk), V. Hodson (Ten Parishes Clerk)
74. Apologies
Cllr. A. Ibbs, J. Roberts, Sefton Cllrs. C. Paige, Tim Hale
75. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest
76. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Having previously been circulated, these were agreed.
Proposed: Cllr. Weild Seconded: Cllr. Baxter
77. Matters of Report from the Minutes
78. Website Update
Cllr. Murphy reported that more is to be added to the site, but it will be kept simple.
79. Neighbourhood Plan Report
Cllr. Kolassa reported that there had been very little progress recently while the Sefton Local Plan examination was in progress. Surveys had been completed, with over 1,000 young people being involved. Land in Altcar Lane could be used for allotments. It was noted that if this land became a community asset, more funding would be available. The Head of Parks and Gardens is to be asked to attend the next meeting.
80. Local Area Committee Report
As nobody had been available to attend the Committee, no report was given.
81. Ten Parishes Report
Cllr. Kolassa had attended this meeting. Fracking and the wind farm were items discussed. Most parishes are against the Wind Farm. Next meeting on 31st March is to be attended by Cllr. Kolassa.
82. Sefton MBC Report
No Cllrs. were available to attend.
83. Formby Footpath Group
Cllr. Weild presented a map of the four footpaths which are of interest. These have not been maintained by Sefton Council. Formby PC might be interested in liaising with Sefton. Hoggs Hill Lane path is used as a shortcut for schoolchildren, and is in a bad state. Cllr. Murphy is interested in the cost to the Parish Council of maintaining this path.
84. Alt Wind Farm
LAPC has lodged a formal objection. Coriolis would like to meet with LAPC to discuss the situation. Cllr. Murphy will only meet them if a formal letter is received by the Council.
85. Planning Applications
86. Finance Committee Report
Cllr. Kolassa presented his budget for 2016/17.
It was decided to OPT OUT of the new Budget Procedure for 2017.
The Precept was kept at 2,500.00 for 2016/17.
Proposed: Cllr. Kolassa. Seconded: Cllr.Baxter
87. Finances
A Balances Current Account 2128.60
Nat. Savings Account 2518.07
B Bills for Payment British Legion 34.00
88. Matters of Further Report
Cllr. Murphy stated that the council has to be cautious about taking on additional tasks for the community. The Neighbourhood Plan will take up a lot of time, although a plan should be developed to look at where the council would like to be in 2-5 years time.
The Web Site is to be advertised.
A notice re Formby Flood Watch is to be put on the notice board.
89. Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 8th March at 7.30pm in Formby Library.