90. Attendance
Cllrs. Ibbs (Vice Chair), Baxter, Irvine, Weild and Kolassa, Mrs. Croasdell (Clerk)
91. Members and Officers Declarations of interest
92. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Having previously been circulated, these were agreed
93. Matters of Report from the Minutes
94. Public Forum
No members of the public were in attendance
95. Website Update
Nothing new to report as Cllr. Murphy was not present.
96. Neighbourhood Plan Report
Nothing new to report at present. The Liverpool Road site is a bone of contention.
97. Local Area Committee Report
Nothing to report.
98. Ten Parishes Report
Nothing to Report
99. Sefton MBC Report
Nothing to Report
100. Formby Footpath Group
The group has not met since the las LAPC meeting.
It may be possible for LAPC to use part of their budget to help maintain
these paths. Formby Clerk to be contacted to find out who is clearing their paths.
101. Altcar Lane Allotment
Cllrs. Baxter, Kolassa and Irvine will investigate the viability of this project.
102. Planning Applications
102.1 25 Marina Road – Porch and first floor extension
102.2 7 Hoggs Hill Lane – two storey extension
103. Correspondence
A celebratory medal in honour of the Queen’s ninetieth birthday was received from Tower Mint. More can be purchased if desired.
Formby PC and Sefton to be contacted about the possibility of the parishes holding a celebration party.
104. Finance Committee
Nothing to Report
105. Finances
A Balances Current Account 2094.60
Savings Account 2518.07
B Bills for Payment
J. Croasdell Salary 500.00
Purchase of Microsoft Word 60.00
LACC The Decision was made not to re-join this Association
106. Matters of Further Report
The Civic Service is to take place on Sunday 12th July 2016. Rev. Prof. Taylor has pencilled this into his schedule. The possibility of having an afternoon tea is to be looked into. The mayor to be invited, along with other Parish Chairs and guests.
Rats have been found on the Mayflower Estate, but this should be dealt with by the Borough Council, not LAPC. Clerk to contact the Environmental Health Department.
107. Date of next meeting Tuesday 12th April 2016 at 7.30pm