Before the Meeting Cllr. Maria Bennett gave a very interesting talk on The Neighbourhood Plan. The original plan was to promote tourism, but that has now changed. Several consultations are to take place. The Inspector does not know Formby, so needs to tour the area. Both Formby PC and Little Altcar are to work together on this. The CIL money was also discussed.
Cllr. Ibbs thanked Cllr. Bennett for attending the meeting. A long discussion took place on this subject after Cllr. Bennett left the meeting.
Two members of the newly formed Frack Free, Formby, Steering Group gave a short talk on the problems fracking would cause.
1. Attendance
Cllrs. A. Ibbs, S. Baxter, M.Weild, L. Kolassa, Y Irving, Cllr. M. Bennett (Formby PC), J. Croasdell (Clerk), two members of the Anti-Fracking Group. Ms. Suzanne Williams
2. Apologies
Cllrs. P. Murphy and J. Roberts
3. Members ad Officers Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
These were not produced
5. Matters of Report from Committees attended by Councillors
Cllr. Ibbs attended a Beachsafe Meeting. Parking is a big issue in Victoria Road – the public leave their cars to visit the squirrels.
6. Planning Applications
Bramble Cottage,
14 Kent Road
7. Correspondence
Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine – Noted
Letter from Sefton re Payments – Noted
BDO re amendments to audit form – Noted
Sefon Local Plan Proposed Modifications – Noted
8. Financed
A Balances Current Account 3438.12
Nat. Savings 2518.07
B Accounts to be paid
J. Coasdell Salary 500.00
A. Ibbs Exps re Civic Service 45.12
9. Matters of Further Report
Travellers at Bills Lane were discussed. Rubbish left by them has been removed by Sefton.
The possibility of friends of Bills Lane be asked to help keep the park clean and tidy. Cllr. Ibbs will bring this up at the Area Committee Meeting.
Item to be included on the next agenda.
The possibility of posts on either side of the road to discourage he travellers will be looked into at a further date.
A resident had enquired about trees being cut down in Marina Road.
This had been authorised by Sefton and no reason was given to the Parish Council.
The £100 donation re the flagpole in Formby to be forwarded to Formby PC.
10.Date of next meeting Tuesday 15th November, 7.30pm at Formby Library.