32. Attendance
Cllrs. Ibbs, Murphy, Baxter, Irving, Kolassa and Weild,
J. Croasdell (Clerk)
33. Apologies
34. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest
35. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Cllr. Weild did not agree with the wording in 15 (Any Other Business). Stating that LAPC was in favour of amalgamating with Formby PC. This to be amended.
36. Matters of Report from the Minutes
The subject as shown in 35, was discussed at great length. Cllr. Ibbs had a meeting with Cllr. McCann from Formby.
Cllr Murphy does not agree with an amalgamation, and stated that the Chair had not followed procedure, and that the electorate should have been consulted before meeting with Formby Parish Council. Cllr. Ibbs said that she had followed he correct procedure, and that consultations with the electorate did not need to take place until after Sefton Council had agreed to the merger. A heated debate ensued.
Cllr Weild stated that the Neighbourhood Plan needs to be completed before going any further.
Cllr. Kolassa stated that the opinion of the residents should be sought.
Cllr. Irving thinks that we are ineffectual as we are. Cllr. Baxter agreed with this.
Cllr. Weild said he was in two minds about the proposal, but proper procedures should take place no sooner than two years from now.
The subject was deferred to the next meeting in May. Cllr. Murphy to oversee the correct procedure and appropriate wording.
37. Public Forum
No members of the public were present.
38. Website Update
The website is up and running and Cllr. Murphy is keeping it updated.
39. Neighbourhood Plan
This is in the process of being altered and is almost ready to go to print.
40. Local Area Committee
A presentation was made by Martin Hough, local pharmacist re the future of Freshfield Surgery.
Police reported that several burglaries had taken place in the area.
National Trust is in discussion with Sefton Council re Lifeboat Road and Albert Road.
Beachsafe is up and running.
Cllr. Baxter to attend the Sefton Rights of Way meeting on 16th March 2017.
41. Planning Applications
6 Ashcroft Road – Extension
20 Ashcroft Road – Extension
42. LAPC Sign
This is in a bad state of repair and the Clerk is to make enquiries whether it can be saved or a new one be purchased.
43. Correspondence
Letter from Sefton re Tax Base
Email received from Formby PC
Sefton Rights of Way Liaison Group
Clerks and Councils Direct Magazine
44 Finances
In the absence of a report from the Finance Committee, the precept had been increased by £500.
Balances Current Account 2516.20
NSI 2533.20
Bills for Payment
J. Croasdell Salary 500.00
45. Any Other Business
The Clerk stated that she would be retiring after the AGM. The Accounts will be completed before she leaves.
A Resident had written asking if trees could be planted in Altcar Road to prevent parking close to Acorn Insurance. The Clerk is to ask if the Borough Council has funds for tree planting.
46. Date of Next Meeting and AGM
Tuesday 9th My 2017