Minutes 9th May 2017

1. Attendance

Cllrs. Ibbs (Chair), Kolassa ((Vice Chair, Weild, Baxter and Irving.

J. Croasdell (Clerk), Cllrs. Bennett, McCann and Coles (Formby PC),

C Jenkins (Clerk to Formby PC).

2. Apologies

Cllr. Murphy

3. Members and Officers Declarations of Interest.


4. Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were agreed with the exception of the item about the merger with Formby PC.

5. Matters of Report from the Minutes

Item as in 4 above to be removed from the minutes.

6. Matters of Report from Committees attended by Councillors

Rights of Way – Andrews Lane has a problem with the entrance. This matter to be taken to Formby PC.

Cllr. Ibbs reported on the 10 Parishes meeting.

7. Merger with Formby PC

Proposal from both parishes to be put to Sefton Council. If both Parish Councils agree draft proposals can be formalised. Cllr. Baxter asked if residents should be consulted. The Clerk from Formby stated that Sefton Council carries forth this procedure.

Cllr. McCann stated that Formby is considering changing the name to Formby Town Council. If merger goes ahead, the name could be Little Altcar and Formby Town Council. Formby’s Clerk thought that Sefton Council could be involved in this process.

The resolution is:

It was resolved in principle an application to Sefton Council for a Governance Review to re-draw the boundary of Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils to form one local council to take effect from May 2019.

8. Local Plan

The Local Plan is currently being amended and will be submitted to Sefton. Amendments to be made by the Neighbourhood Plan will super cede Local Plan if adopted. Report is due in July from Area Committee.

9. Correspondence

Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

Bulletin War Memorial Trust

BDO Audit Papers

Sefton Council Remittance Advice


A Current Account 5516.20

NSI 2533.20


B Bills for Payment

J. Croasdell – Final Payment 166.00

Accounts to March 2017 signed and agreed by the Chair.

11.Matters of Further Report

Cllr. Kolassa asked about the repair of the sign. Clerk stated that the sign writer had not got back to her. Cllr. Kolassa will follow this up.

It was agreed that the Chair would approach the Formby Parish Council Clerk to see if she would take on the role, in light of the earlier discussion that clarified the governance review process, and the need to fill Little Altcar Parish clerk vacancy on an interim basis following Joan Croasdell’s resignation.

Attendance of members should be monitored.

Meetings to take place bi-monthly, although next meeting to take place in June.

Civic Service to be discontinued.

12.Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 13th June 2017