Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting
14 November 2017
Present: Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman)
Yvonne Irving
Sandra Baxter
Mike Wield
Leo Kolassa
Paul Murphy
In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)
Cllr Mike Coles (Formby Parish Council)
38.0 Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
39.0 Members Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
40.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item
40.1 Cllr Coles from Formby Parish Council stated that he had attended to listen to the comments and concerns of the LAPC Cllrs in respect of the forthcoming Governance Review and to be aware of common interests that may affect budget plans for the next couple of years.
The meeting was reconvened
41.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 12 September 2017 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
42.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
Item 35.0 Members noted that the new bank account had been set up with the maximum of 3 signatories allowed for a community account.
43.0 Planning Applications
43.1 There were no new applications in the Little Altcar area.
Liverpool road site
Members noted that following the meeting with the developers for the proposed Liverpool Road site there has been no further information regarding the timing of their planning application.
Brackenway Site
Members noted that a meeting with the developers has been arranged for Wednesday 22 at 1.30pm in Formby Library.
Andrews Lane site
Members noted that the Inspector has allowed the information on the rail crossing at Hoggs Hill to be submitted and has asked for comments to be received by the 16 November.
44.0 To discuss and resolve the following:
44.1 The Clerk presented the Issues Arising Report which raises matters that came to the attention of the auditors BDO LLP during the review of the annual return for the year ended March 2017. The matters were raised as the annual return had not been prepared in accordance with legislation and proper practices and required amendment.
The annual return, which had been submitted by the previous Clerk, had been amended and subsequently approved. The new arrangements for providing Clerk services would ensure that in future the annual return would be dealt with in accordance with legislation and proper practices.
44.2 Members noted that the signpost could not be refurbished and that a new signpost would need to be commissioned. It was agreed that Cllr Kolassa would obtain information to proceed with this.
45.0 To authorise Payments
Formby Parish Council £125
Sefton Area Partnership of local councils £70
Royal British Legion poppy appeal (Formby) £35.50
It was resolved to approve the payments as listed
46.0 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman reported that she had attended a Woodland Owners Meeting and it had been reported that “it was suspected that Natural England and Mersey Forest wished to fell 9000 trees in Formby”, though at present there are no felling licences in force. Cllr Irving commented that she had spoken to Mersey Forest and that 9000 was not an exact number; many of the trees are small saplings between larger trees and others are trees in poor condition, also a fire break was to be installed.
The Chairman also attended the Rights of Way meeting though most of the discussion concerned paths in Southport.
Cllr Ibbs reported that the Pride of Formby awards evening hosted by Formby Parish Council was very successful and a great event for members of the community to receive recognition.
Members discussed the Remembrance Services held on the 11th and 12th of November and agreed that planning for services for the 100-year commemoration of the end of WW1 in 2018 should be considered early in the new year.
47.0 Finance Report
As reported previously the new bank account has been set up and the auditors recommendations will be considered.
48.0 Update on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan
Members noted that the policies are being reviewed, particularly in the light of experience from the Andrew’s Lane appeal process.
It was agreed to set a date of the 9 January 2018 for a joint meeting of the Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils to formally consider and approve the revised plan.
49.0 Update on the Governance Review
The Clerk reported that there is no further update.
50.0 Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed to meet on Tuesday 9 January 2018 at 6.00pm
The joint meeting with Formby Parish Council will commence at 7.00pm.
Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend