Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting
9 January 2018
Present: Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman)
Sandra Baxter
Mike Wield
Leo Kolassa
Paul Murphy
In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)
2 members of the public
51.0 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Irving
52.0 Members Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
53.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item
There were no representations from members of the public.
The meeting was reconvened
54.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 14 November 2017 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
55.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
There were no matters to report
56.0 Planning Applications
56.1 The Clerk reported on planning application:
DC/2017/02259 (MJs) Members noted the “Change of Use” application for the first floor to become a gym.
56.2 Formby Development Sites
Cllrs noted work has commenced on the site of the former Mayflower Industrial Estate.
It was noted that in the Neighbourhood Plan the following amendments should be included:
- Liverpool Road site development -reference to consultation with Little Altcar Parish Council.
- Altcar Lane site development -reference to consultation with Little Altcar Parish Council.
- Hoggs Hill site development -reference to consultation with Little Altcar Parish Council.
57.0 To discuss and resolve the following:
57.1 It was resolved that the current precept of £9.29 per household per year based on a band “d” property should remain the same for 2018/19.
The Clerk advised that the Sefton MBC have not yet notified the tax base for 2018/19 and that there may by a few more households than last year, however, the calculation is a very complex one taking account of factors such as single person household discounts.
57.2 Cllr Kolassa advised that there was nothing further to report on the replacement of the signpost at present.
58.0 To authorise Payments
Formby Parish Council – Clerk Services November and December £250
It was resolved to approve the payments as listed
59.0 Chairman’s Report
Members received the Chairman’s Report on meetings and events attended for the period, including the Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils.
60.0 Finance Report
The Clerk reported that the new account is now operational and the forms were duly signed for the closure of NatWest Account.
Cllr Kolassa reported that the Finance Group will consider the cost implication of purchasing a bench for Bills Lane.
61.0 Update on the Governance Review
The Clerk advised that the process will take approximately 12 months to complete and that Sefton have advised that a working group will be set up to undertake and monitor this. It was noted that for the budget and precept setting in January 2019, both Parish Councils would need to know the outcome of governance review when discussing the precept so that the amount per household would not differ across Formby and Little Altcar.
50.0 Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday 13th March at
7.30pm in Formby Library
Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend
Minutes of the Extra-Ordinary Meeting
9 January 2018
Present: Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman)
Sandra Baxter
Yvonne Irving
Leo Kolassa
Paul Murphy
Mike Wield
In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)
11 members of the public
63.0 Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies received.
64.0 Members Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
65.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item
There were no representations from members of the public.
The meeting was reconvened
66.0 To discuss and resolve the following:
66.1 To discuss and approve the submission of the Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan to Sefton MBC for public consultation
Immediately prior to the meeting the Little Altcar Parish Councillors took part in a discussion with Formby Parish Councillors which is reported below:
“Cllr Bennett, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, reported that this has been a long and complicated process. Policies have been drafted and checked by our planning consultant, who has advised on what constitutes a land use policy. Cllr Bennett explained that policies must be land use policies and must meet basic conditions or the Plan submission will not go to the next stage of public consultation.
In a lengthy discussion Cllrs expressed the opinion that there isn’t enough “teeth” in the plan to recommend it for adoption.
Cllrs questioned whether it would be preferable to exclude the sites that Sefton have allocated and make the policies generic to cover all future developments.
Cllrs acknowledged that the Neighbourhood Plan must be positive towards development and that new houses are needed in the area. It was agreed to hold a further meeting with the planning consultant and explore the options suggested.
Cllrs noted that Sefton Council are out to consultation regarding including a charge on new houses for mitigation measures for recreational pressure on the coast.
It was noted that CILs have not been introduced which would have included a percentage of funding to come back to the communities where development is taking place. Concern was expressed that CILs won’t be introduced until after the developments have taken place and there will be no funding coming back to the communities.”
Having considered the previous discussion regarding the Neighbourhood Plan, Cllrs agreed to amend the motion to insert “not” and “in its present format”:
It was resolved by a unanimous vote that the Neighbourhood Plan will not be submitted to Sefton MBC for public consultation in its present format.
67.0 Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Tuesday 13th March at
7.30pm in Formby Library
Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend