Minutes March 2018


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting

13 March 2018

Present:           Councillors:       Ann Ibbs (Chairman)

Sandra Baxter

Mike Wield

Leo Kolassa

Paul Murphy

Yvonne Irving


In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)



63.0 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies received.


64.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


65.0 Public Forum


The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of the public present.

The meeting was reconvened


66.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

66.1 The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 9 January 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

66.2 The minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 9 January 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


67.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters to report


68.0 Planning Applications

Proposed development Sites

68.1 Members noted the applications for Andrews Lane.

68.2 Members noted the applications for the proposed Liverpool Road site and discussed the problem of access onto Liverpool road. It was agreed to submit a formal objection.

68.3 It was noted that an objection has been submitted regarding the Altcar Lane application for the erection of 24 dwellings.

68.4 Cllr Wield reported that he had witnessed Sefton Council using gully suckers near Alt Road play park; but did not receive a satisfactory answer when he enquired what the purpose of this was.

68.5 The Clerk reported that Frack Free Formby had forwarded communication regarding the proposed Well Pad for Fracking near Great Altcar. Cllrs agreed that they would like to be kept informed.

68.6 it was noted that an application has been received for the Brackenway site and it was agreed to liaise with Formby Parish Council regarding submitting an objection.


69.0 To discuss and resolve the following:


69.1 To discuss the new General Data Protection Regulations and determine any action required

Cllr Murphy reported on the new regulations updating the Data Protection Act 1998. The General Data Protection Regulation will take effect from 25 May 2018 and gives individuals more rights and protection regarding how their personal data is used. This will increase fines on businesses for unlawful processing of personal data. From this date “Subject data access requests” will not be charged. Local Councils must comply with new regulations and appoint a data protection officer. This would not be a full-time position. The Clerk advised that she has arranged to meet with the Clerks of the other Town/Parish councils in Sefton to discuss whether this can be achieved jointly, with each local council contributing. It has now been confirmed by the National Association of local Councils that the Data Protection Officer cannot be the Clerk. There will be a financial cost to the Parish Council to meet this new legal requirement.


69.2 To receive an update on the replacement of the Parish Signpost

Cllr Kolassa reported that he has met with a sales representative to obtain estimates on both the bench and the signpost. He has also had discussions with Ainsdale Natural Alternatives and will meet with them to explore this option and obtain costs.



69.3 To approve the expenditure for a replacement bench for Bills Lane park

Cllr Kolassa reported that it would cost approximately £500 for a metal bench. A concrete plinth would also be needed which would cost approximately £500. It was agreed to write to Sefton MBC to advise that this is a Centenary bench, and to ask would Sefton contribute?

It was resolved to approve the expenditure for the bench and plinth.


70.0 To authorise Payments



Formby Parish Council – Clerk Services January, February and March                 £375


It was resolved to approve the payments as listed


71.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman thanked Cllrs for their work on the planning objection for Altcar Lane.


It was noted that the tree felled on Chapel Lane has not been fully removed but the stump left. Cllrs agreed with the Chairman that they would prefer to see new trees planted on Chapel Lane.

It was reported that a resident at Formby Parish Council meeting has asked “If a carving of First World War soldier from the tree stump could be commissioned as a memorial for the 100-year celebration of the end of the 1st World War.” Cllrs discussed the possibility of donating if this were to go ahead.  The preferred location for this would be in the Memorial Garden or suitable park area.


The Chairman asked the Clerk to contact the Ravenmeols Ward Councillors to ask if there is any match funding available for shrubs and posts down Altcar Lane and Marina Road.



72.0 Finance Report

72.1 To amend the authorised signatories for the savings account.

It was resolved that Ann Ibbs, Paul Murphy, Leo Kolassa and Mike Wield be signatories of the NS&L savings account.

The amended signatory forms were duly signed.


73.0 Update on the Governance Review

The Clerk reported that the Electoral Services Manager has advised that this process with take approximately 6 months to complete.


74.0 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan

Following the Extra-Ordinary Meeting in January, discussions have been held with the Planning Consultant and the policies are being revised.


75.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8 May 2018, 7.30pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend