Minutes – 10 July 2018

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting


Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman), Sandra Baxter, Leo Kolassa and Yvonne Irving

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)

16.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs Murphy and Wield.

17.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

18.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

18.1 Members of the Moss Alliance of anti-fracking groups (representing Formby, Southport, Halsall, Burscough, Aughton, Haskayne, Maghull and Lydiate) addressed the council. Any member of the public can contact the alliance at frackfreeformby@gmail.com.

Key dates to note:

Part A

Planning application by end of September 2018

Drill a well by end of September 2020

Part B

Seismic surveys by end of September 2021

Planning application by end of September 2022

Drill a well by end of September 2024

At the public exhibition on 17 February 2018, it was noted that £10m will be spent on the Sutton’s Lane site but there will be no gas recovery for sale, as this will be for exploration. There are plans to spend a further £30m on more wells in PEDL 164 (the licence area). The Alliance are looking for funding for a planning consultant to represent them at the planning committee stage and it was noted that this will cost approximately £20,000 and are approaching parish councils and other organisations for help with funding, technical assistance and permission from private landlords to place banners around the area.

The Alliance were applying to the local councils and asking them to consider a donation from their respective community funds.

The meeting was reconvened 

19.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Annual meeting held on 8 May 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

20.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters to report

21.0 Planning Applications

Proposed development Sites

21.1. Altcar Lane DC/2018/00020

Members had approved the assessment of the hedgerow in advance of the meeting due to the timing of the planning application. Cllr Irving reported that BHA Trees had undertaken the assessment of the hedgerow which indicated that it met many of the criteria of NERC section 41, though it did not qualify as being “important” due to the number of woody species present. Cllrs noted that Sefton Planning had approved the planning application and the lead planning officer had responded to say that “the issue of the hedgerow had been considered by the independent Inspector for the Local Plan:

Altcar Lane and its vegetation form a strong Green Belt boundary which would be replaced by an insubstantial field boundary, though this could be reinforced as part of the development. Thus, the harm to the Green Belt would be minor. (para 242 Inspectors report)


An ecological assessment submitted by the developer was reviewed by Sefton’s ecological advisors Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service (MEAS). They were satisfied with the information submitted and concluded that the information provided was sufficient to demonstrate that there would not be harm to ecology from the proposed development. They also recommended certain conditions were attached to mitigate the impacts of the development.  MEAS had no objection to the loss of the hedge and had no disagreement with the ecological assessment submitted by the applicant in relation to the hedge. MEAS as the council’s ecological advisors would have had regard to the duties set out in appendix 5 of the Nature Conservation SPD when responding to the application.”

21.2 Members noted the applications for the proposed Liverpool Road site DC/2018/00658 and DC/2018/00588 and discussed the desire to maintain the hedgerow. It was noted that this had been discussed with the developer, but it was agreed that this should form a written response to Sefton planning.

21.3 Power House Site DC/2018/01105 – the application for 14 houses was noted.

22.0 To discuss and resolve the following:

22.1 It was resolved to approve the privacy notices and data protection policies.

22.2 It was resolved to approve the contribution of approximately £1000 to Formby Parish Council for the replacement of one of the benches in the Memorial Garden with a new commemorative bench for the 100-year anniversary to include the removal of the old bench and the securing of the new one.

22.3 It was resolved to approve the contribution of £200 to Formby Parish Council for the Pride of Formby awards 2018.

22.4 It was resolved not to approve the adoption of Sefton Council’s revised code but to remain with the existing Code of Conduct.

22.5 Members agreed to defer this item to the next meeting after consideration of the budget.

22.6 It was resolved to not to approve an application to Sefton Green Spaces for a bench to be commissioned at Bills Lane park.

22.7 It was resolved to approve the funding of the hedgerow survey. Due to the timing of the planning application coming before the planning committee this item had been dealt with as detailed in 22.1 above.

23.0 To authorise Payments


Formby Parish Council – Clerk Services June and July £250

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed

24.0 To receive the Chairman’s Report

It was noted that the SAPLC’s meeting had been formally disbanded.

Cllr Ibbs reported that she had attended the first Central Sefton Constituency Forum event, which are planned to be held twice per year. This was held at Crosby Lakeside venue and there were 2 residents together with a Cllr from Formby Parish Council and herself. Members considered that unless such events were held within the town/ area to which they relate they would not be well attended by residents.

The Chairman reported that she would be attending the upcoming “Planning for a Green Liverpool City Region” meeting.

25.0 Update on the Governance Review

The Clerk reported that the Electoral Services Manager has advised that terms of reference for the consultation are being drawn up and Cllrs were asked for their views on who should be consulted. It was agreed that each household should receive a letter with information on how to take part in the consultation. The Electoral Services Manager had questioned whether the name of the Ravenmeols ward should be altered but members did not think that this was necessary as the Ravenmeols ward includes Formby, Little Altcar and Ince Blundell. It was considered that the number of Cllrs should be 16 or 17 maximum and it was agreed to enquire how many Cllrs the other local councils have relative to the population.

26.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 11 September 2018, 7.30pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend