Notice of Meeting
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council, which will be held at Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby, on Tuesday 11 September 2018, at 7.30pm.
Claire Jenkins
Clerk to Little Altcar Parish Council
1.0 To receive Apologies
2.0 To Receive Declarations of Interest
3.0 Public Forum (the meeting will be adjourned for this item)
4.0 To consider and approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 July 2018
5.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting – for information only
6.0 Planning Applications – Sefton’s weekly list email, also available on Sefton Council’s website.
6.1 To note current position on Formby Development Sites in Sefton’s Local Plan.
6.2 Altcar Lane DC/2018/00020
6.3 Liverpool Road DC/2018/00658 and DC/2018/00588
7.0 To discuss and resolve the following:
7.1 To consider the application and whether to approve a grant for the publication of a book to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the end of WW1 as an historical piece of research into life in Formby at the time of the conflict.
7.2 To consider the application and whether to approve a grant of £250 to Frack Free Formby towards the cost of a traffic survey to include the Formby by-pass and the junction with Tesco, with the proviso that the survey is made available for parish council use.
7.3 To discuss the meeting convened by Sefton Council highways regarding the Chapel Lane trees.
8.0 To authorise Payments
9.0 To receive the Chairman’s Report
10.0 Update on the Governance Review
11.0 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 13 November 2018
Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend