Minutes 4 September 2018

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting


Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman), Sandra Baxter, Mike Wield, Leo Kolassa, Paul Murphy and Yvonne Irving

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)

27.0 Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies received.

28.0 Members Declaration of Interest

Cllr Irving declared an interest in item 33.1 as a member of the Formby Civic Society.

29.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of the public present.

The meeting was reconvened

30.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 10 July 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

31.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters to report

32.0 Planning Applications

32.1 To Note current position on Formby Development Sites in Sefton’s Local Plan.

Members discussed the Andrews Lane Site and noted that work is progressing. Cllrs noted that there are problems with the width of the road/pathways and that residents living near the new access have complained about the potential damage to their properties. Members agreed that they would be supportive of Formby Parish Council to try and find a solution. It was agreed to write to Sefton planners and ask what they doing to ensure that the work on this site is not detrimental to the existing households.

32.2 Altcar Lane – members noted that this had been approved at Planning Committee but is not yet listed on the planning portal as approved.

32.3 Liverpool Road – members noted that the plans have changed again, and members will review the new plans and amend the submission made to Sefton as appropriate.

32.4 Brackenway Site – members noted that the plans for this site have been amended to include a much larger flood attenuation area. The density of housing has been increased to accommodate the same number of houses in a smaller area.

32.5 Neighbourhood Plan – the Clerk reported that work is progressing on the basic conditions statement and this will soon be ready for submission.

33.0 To discuss and resolve the following:

33.1 To consider the application and whether to approve a grant for the publication of a book to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the end of WW1 as an historical piece of research into life in Formby at the time of the conflict.

It was resolved to approve a grant of £500.

33.2 To consider the application and whether to approve a grant of £250 to Frack Free Formby towards the cost of a traffic survey to include the Formby by-pass and the junction with Tesco, with the proviso that the survey is made available for parish council use.

It was resolved to approve a grant of £250 for the traffic survey by Frack Free Formby, which will include the planned developments and the impact on the by-pass and the junction at Tesco. This will be made available for use by the Parish Council.

33.3 To discuss the meeting convened by Sefton Council highways regarding the Chapel Lane trees.

The Chairman reported on a meeting with Sefton officials and Formby Parish Council regarding the horse chestnut trees outside Boot and Cassidy’s. At the meeting Cllrs were informed by Sefton Officers that the 2 trees were unsafe and would be felled in early October. It was noted that many residents are campaigning to protect the trees and prevent the felling. Formby Parish Council have agreed to fund a further survey to obtain a definitive answer on the health and safety implications and whether any measures could be taken to save the trees.

34.0 To authorise Payments


Donation for Pride of Formby event   £200

Clerk services Aug and September   £250

Commemorative bench for Memorial garden £1000

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed

35.0 Chairman’s Report

There were no further items of report.

36.0 Update on the Governance Review

The Clerk reported that Sefton Council have not made any progress regarding commencing a review. Cllrs conveyed their disappointment and concern that this may delay the merger of the Formby and Little Altcar parish councils.

37.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 13 November 2018, 7.30pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend