Minutes 13 November 2018

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting


Councillors: Ann Ibbs (Chairman), Sandra Baxter, Mike Wield, Paul Murphy and Yvonne Irving

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)

38.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllr Kolassa

39.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

40.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public present.

The meeting was reconvened

41.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 11 September 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

42.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

Members noted the new benches have been installed in the Memorial Gardens, 1 of which was funded by Little Altcar Parish Council.

43.0 Planning Applications

43.1 To Note current position on Formby Development Sites in Sefton’s Local Plan.

Members noted that the Liverpool Road (Morris Homes) smaller site application is going to the next planning meeting. The larger part of the site (David Wilson and Barratt Homes) has already received planning consent. The two sites form part of the Sefton Local Plan.

44.0 To discuss and resolve the following:

44.1 To discuss the proposed merger with Formby Parish Council and to agree the next steps.

Amalgamation of Formby and Little Altcar

Following the last parish council meeting the Clerk has been exploring alternative options for the amalgamation of the 2 parishes and a Grouping Order would appear to provide a way forward without the necessity of obtaining over 2000 signatures.

Using the Law: Grouped Parishes

A more formal way of enlarging resources through partnership is by grouping a number of adjacent parishes. Provision for this exists in the 1972 Local Government Act. A grouped parish is a way of pooling resources whilst preserving the identity of each of the individual parishes or settlements within it. It is also a way of avoiding the hassle of a boundary review.

Under the 1972 Act, a group of parishes can apply to a principal authority (the District in a three-tier area) for a grouping order. The order must name the group and must provide for the separate representation on the council of each parish on the council. It is as if each constituent parish were a ward in a principal authority’s area, with representation on the Council. Units which previously had no council can be added to the group, also with representation. A group cannot be formed without consent of an electors’ meeting in each of the parishes or units concerned. A group may apply to the principle authority for a dissolution order or for a single unit or parish to be separated from the group, again with the consent of an electors’ meeting.

Extract from LGIU and SLCC publication “Parish and Town Clustering” Sept 2006

The law: “Arnold Baker on Local Council Administration 10th edition”

The reorganisation of localities by means of grouping orders means the units (parishes) concerned retain their identity and their electors meeting and such orders can be made by the principal council without the formalities of a governance review.

LGA 1972 ss 11(1)-(3) and 29(1)-(3).

For a group to be formed the electors meeting of each of the units concerned must consent to this. An electors meeting can be called, and this is a parish meeting.

This may be convened by the Chairman of the parish council, or by any 2 Cllrs, or by 6 electors. The parish council may also convene it, but it is under no legal obligation to do so. The parish meeting must meet when convened by the parish council and as often as required.

Normally 7 days-notice is required for a parish meeting, however, if business related to a grouping with another parish the 14 clear days must be given.

Decisions are taken by those present and voting and if the Chairman is an elector, he has an original and a casting vote if not he only has a casting vote.

If an electors meeting applies to the principal council for a grouping order, the latter may group that locality with a neighbouring locality or more than one.

The Order must name the group e.g. Formby and Little Altcar (parish/village/community/neighbourhood) Council. A group cannot have the status of town.

There must be separate representation on the group of each parish; each parish would be dissolved, and the grouping order may provide for any necessary adaptations e.g. enable an election to be held in a year when one would not normally be held.

Members agreed that this would provide for a way forward to group Little Altcar with Formby and it was agreed to convene a Parish (electors) meeting on Tuesday 11 December at 7.30pm in Formby Library and advertise this on the Parish noticeboard and by letters to the Champion and Visitor, Formby Bubble and on the Parish Council Website.

45.0 To authorise Payments


Formby Parish Council for Clerk Services Oct and November £250

Formby RBL Poppy Appeal £35.50

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed.

46.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that she had attended the Haskayne Village Fracking Meeting.

It was noted that Cllrs had attended the Remembrance Services at the Memorial Garden, Holy Trinity Church and St Michaels Church.

47.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15 January 2019, 7.30pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend