Annual Meeting Minutes 20 May 2019

Minutes of the Annual Meeting


Councillors: Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Leo Kolassa, Bob McCann and Michael Walsh

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk)

1.0 To elect a Chairman for 2019-20, who will then sign the “Declaration of Acceptance of Office”

Nominations were received for Cllr Kolassa

It was resolved that Cllr Kolassa be elected as Chairman

Cllr Kolassa signed The Declaration of Acceptance of Office and this was witnessed by the Proper Officer.

2.0 To elect a Vice Chairman 2019-20, who will then sign the “Declaration of Acceptance of Office”

Nominations were received for Cllr Walsh

It was resolved that Cllr Walsh be elected as Vice-Chairman

Cllr Walsh signed The Declaration of Acceptance of Office and this was witnessed by the Proper Officer.

3.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs Irving and Weild.

4.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

5.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public present.

The meeting was reconvened

6.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 9 April 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

7.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters of report.

8.0 The Retiring Chairman’s Annual Report

The Chairman reported that there has been a considerable amount of work done by the Steering Group members on the Neighbourhood Plan, and recorded thanks to Cllr Maria Bennett for her Chairmanship of the Steering Group. It was noted that the comments from the Regulation 16 consultation have been sent to the examiner.

Cllr Kolasssa reported that the Pride of Formby event was a very successful and enjoyable event.

The publication of “A Community in Wartime” book by the Formby Civic Society, to which the Parish Council had contributed, was a fitting tribute for the 100-year anniversary. Together with the Memorial benches in the Memorial Garden, one of which was funded by Little Altcar Parish Council and it was noted that the Remembrance Services had been well attended.

Cllr Kolassa recorded his thanks to former Little Altcar Cllrs Paul Murphy and Ann Ibbs for their many years of service to the Community.

9.0 Annual Return

9.1 To approve the annual governance statement section 1

Cllrs answered all the questions detailed on the governance statement and this was recorded on the Annual Return, which will be published on the website.

It was resolved that the governance statement (section 1) be approved.

9.2 To approve the accounting statement section 2

It was resolved that the accounting statement (section 2) be approved.

9.3 To certify that during the financial year 2018/19, the higher of the Authorities gross income for the year or gross annual expenditure, for the year did not exceed £25,000. (To certify as exempt from a limited assurance review under section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015)

It was resolved that the certification be approved.

10.0 To resolve that the Council meets the criteria set out by the Secretary of State in Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012

Members noted the criteria: at the time of the resolution the number of councillors elected at the last election, or subsequent by-election must equal or exceed two thirds of the total seats; the Clerk must hold one of two sector-specific qualifications; CiLCA or the level Four qualification from the University of Gloucestershire and must have passed section 7 of CiLCA if pre 2012.

The Council must confirm its eligibility at every annual meeting after ordinary elections.

It was resolved that the Council confirmed that it meets the eligibility criteria.

11.0 Planning Applications

To note the current position on Formby Development Sites in Sefton’s Local Plan:

11.1 Liverpool Road – it was noted that the emergency entrance through Savon Hook appears very narrow and that Formby Parish Council have asked for a Swept Path Analysis for fire engine access.

12.0 To discuss and resolve the following:

12.1 To approve the future arrangements and dates for the Annual Calendar for Meetings 2019-20

Members received and approved the dates for the Annual Calendar of Meetings for the Ordinary Council meetings.

12.2 To approve the renewal of the Insurance at £206.08

It was resolved to approve the renewal premium

12.3 To approve the Grouping Order request to Sefton MBC for the grouping of Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils.

Members discussed the need to explore further and determine what the benefits are versus a governance review.

Item to be deferred.

12.4 To approve authorised signatories

It was resolved to add Cllrs Kolassa and McCann to the authorised signatories list.

13.0 To Appoint representatives to the following External Bodies:

It was agreed to appoint Cllrs to the following external bodies:

Sefton Rights of Way Group – Cllrs Weild and Baxter

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllrs Kolassa and Weild

14.0 To agree Councillors roles in respect of:

Cllrs agreed to support the work of the Council as follows:

  • Finance

Cllrs Kolassa and Bennett

  • Environment

Cllr Walsh

  • Planning

Cllrs Baxter, Bennett, Irving, Kolassa, McCann, Walsh and Weild.

15.0 To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan

It was noted that the Regulation 16 Consultation period has ended. The responses will go to the examiner for the final review. The examiner will determine whether to change/amend/or delete policies or whether to have a public inquiry. The examiner is independent of both the local councils and the borough council and his final report will form the Neighbourhood Plan document that will go to a referendum of the electorate of Formby and Little Altcar.

16.0 To authorise Payments

Insurance £206.08

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed.

17.0 To receive the Clerk’s Report

The Clerks Report was noted.

18.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3 September 2019, 6.30pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend