Minutes 7 January 2020

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting



Leo Kolassa, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Yvonne Irving, Bob McCann, Michael Weild,

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk) and 2 members of public

38.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllr Walsh.

39.0 Members Declaration of Interest

Cllr McCann declared an interest in the item on planning.

40.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public requesting to address the council.

The meeting was reconvened

41.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 5 November 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

42.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

There were no matters of report from the previous meeting.

42.1 Cllrs noted the order for a new Notice Board at a cost of £3,669 plus VAT, including delivery, installation and disposal of the old notice board.

43.0 Planning Applications

43.1 Liverpool Road applications for conditions include (1) access to the site (2) Highways drainage (3) application for the area behind Sports Direct concerns mitigation measures to get rid of as much contamination as possible and putting a cap on it. (4) Toucan crossing.

44.0 To discuss and resolve the following:

44.1 To approve the budget for 2020/21. Members reviewed the budget proposal and

It was resolved to approve the budget for 2020/21

44.2 To discuss and approve the precept for 2020/21. Members discussed the precept requirement in relation to the approved budget and agreed that the precept should remain as £9.96 per band D property; this may be slightly more or less for some residents depending on their individual house property band.

It was resolved to approve the precept for 2020/21 of £9.96 for a band D property

44.3 To approve a donation of £100 towards the Pride of Formby awards 2020.

It was resolved to approve the donation of £100.

45.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman wished everyone a happy new year and reminded members that the next meeting will be the Annual meeting and requested that they consider whether they would wish to stand as Chairman for the 2020/21 year.

46.0 To Authorise Payments

Wreath for Remembrance Sunday     £35.50

Audit                                                                      £25

Grant for traffic survey                               £250

Clerk Services December to March     £500

Donation to Pride of Formby Awards £100

It was resolved to approve the payments.

47.0 Date of Next Meeting

The Annual meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 5 May 2020, 6.15pm, Formby Library, Duke Street, Formby.

Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend