Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting
This meeting was held online due to the Covid 19 pandemic
Councillors: Leo Kolassa, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Bob McCann, Michael Walsh and Michael Weild
In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk) and 1 member of public
1.0 Apologies for Absence
There were apologies received from Cllr Irving who gave a medical reason.
It was resolved to approve the reason for absence for Cllr Irving.
2.0 Members Declaration of Interest
There were no interests declared.
3.0 Public Forum
The meeting was adjourned for this item
There were no members of public requesting to address the council.
The meeting was reconvened
4.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 7 January 2020 were approved as a correct record and the Clerk will be arrange for them to be signed by the Chairman.
5.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting
The following matters of report from the previous meeting were noted:
42.1 Cllrs noted the new Notice Board has been installed.
46.0 Grant for traffic survey – the Clerk confirmed that this was the grant paid to Frack Free Formby.
6.0 Planning Applications
The Clerk reported that the Planning Committee has not yet met to approve applications. Minor applications have been decided by Planning Officers.
The weekly list of planning applications is on Sefton Council’s website.
7.0 To discuss and resolve the following:
7.1 To approve the insurance renewal quote of £206.08.
It was resolved to approve the insurance renewal quote of £206.08
8.0 Chairman’s Report
The Chairman explained that in line with the emergency legislation published in April, there was no Annual Meeting this year and that the appointments of Chairman and Vice Chairman would continue until May 2021.
The Chairman enquired about the development of a business on the green belt land adjacent to the Formby Football Club. Cllr McCann advised that he had been made aware of this and had reported this to the Planning Department at Sefton Council. The Planning Officer had since responded to Cllr McCann to say:
“the works on site which have involved the scraping back of earth to the side of the site and rear of the waste recycling centre are in connection with drainage repair works. That work has been completed and (the enforcement officer and planning officer) advised that the earth mounds will need to be levelled back across the area where the works have taken place as the mounds themselves constitute development for which planning permission is required.
Separately a company called PCW Site Solutions (who undertook the drainage repairs) have set up a small compound on the site and are operating their business from this location (storage of materials / equipment etc….). (the enforcement officer and planning officer) have advised that this is a change of use of the land for which planning permission is required. As it’s Green Belt a permanent approval would not be granted”
“The advice given was for the company to either cease the use and clear all the equipment, materials etc…. or alternatively apply for temporary permission. Specifically, (the Football Club owner) was asked to level the mounds as a first step. “
Cllr Wield reported that there has been considerable activity on the site over the Bank Holiday weekend and that huge mounds of earth and building rubble have been deposited on the site which may contaminate the land and the watercourses.
The Chairman advised that he write to the Chief Executive of Sefton Council as this development is against the policies of both the Sefton Local Plan and the Formby and Little Altcar Neighbourhood Plan.
9.0 To Authorise Payments
It was resolved to approve the payments as listed
1. Broxap Ltd Notice Board £4402.80
2. Zurich Municipal Insurance £206.08
3. Formby Parish Council Clerks services £250
10.0 Date of Next Meeting
In line with the emergency legislation meetings will be held online when necessary and published on the website at www.littlealtcar-pc.gov.uk
Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend