Minutes 7 September 2021

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting

Present: Councillors: Leo Kolassa, Yvonne Irving, Bob McCann and Michael Weild

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 member of public

13.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllrs Baxter, Bennett and Walsh.

14.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no interests declared.

15.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public in attendance.

The meeting was reconvened

16.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 4 May 2021 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

17.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

The were no matters of report from the previous meeting.

18.0 Planning Applications

18.1 Liverpool Road Site

Residents have been notified that the noisier drive piling method would recommence. However, driven piling was not allowed September to March last year due to disturbance to migratory birds. Cllr McCann has written to Environmental Health to remind them that this should also apply September to March 2021/22. He has also reminded them that the regulations state that Best Practicable Means should be insisted on at all times and it has been shown that the alternative piling, which has been used for several months, has created no noise disturbance.

19.0 To Discuss and Resolve the following:

19.1 To consider and approve a contribution to the Liverpool Road Welcome Signage

Cllr Weild reported on the project to install “Welcome” signs at Liverpool Road and Southport Road. Members also discussed the old Little Altcar sign which may need some refurbishment in the future.

It was noted that costs for the project are not finalised yet and a decision on this was deferred.

19.2 To approve the Members Code of Conduct as adopted by Sefton Council 20 May 2021.

It was resolved to approve the Members Code of Conduct.

19.3 To consider and approve a contribution to the Christmas Tree in the village.

It was resolved to make a £200 donation towards the Christmas Tree in the village.

20.0 Chairman’s Report

It was brought to the Chairman’s attention that the car park at the back of the Royal Public House is being used by youths and residents have reported antisocial behaviour. It was agreed to bring this to the attention of the local police.

A report from a resident on insufficient bin provision and vandalism of the bench at Bills Lane Park has been received. It was noted that Sefton Parks and Greenspaces are reviewing the bin sizes for the Borough. The Clerk has asked for the bench to be maintained by Sefton.

21.0 To Authorise Payments

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed:

  1. Clerks Services, Formby Parish Council – £500
  2. Domain renewal, Krystal Hosting/ Formby Parish Council – £96

22.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 2 November 2021.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend