Minutes – 16 September 2024

Minutes of the Meeting

16 September 2024

Present: Councillors: Leo Kolassa, Derek Baxter, Sandra Baxter, Joe Riley and Mike Wield.

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk) and 0 members of public.

14.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllr Appleton and Cllr Wiencke.

It was resolved to approve the reason for absence for Cllr Appleton.

15.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no interests declared.

16.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item.

There were no members of public wishing to address the Council.

The meeting was reconvened.

17.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Meeting held on 13 May 2024 were approved and signed by the Chairman for the meeting.

18.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

The Chairman and Clerk reported that we have been advised that the only way to refurbish the old Little Altcar sign is to have the logo reproduced in sheet metal which will be laminated on each side of the old wooden sign, due to the deterioration in the different woods used for the badge and to have the post, which is a solid oak given a protective treatment. Members agreed with this approach.

19.0 Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reflected on how wonderful people in neighbouring Southport have been in the wake of the awful tragedy that occurred on the 29 July.

It was noted that the Pride of Formby event will be held on Friday 4 October and that he will be attending to represent Little Altcar Parish Council.

Members noted that the road crossing on Liverpool Road has now been upgraded to a full Pelican crossing.

The Chairman reported on the recent email sent by a resident asking for support for a petition to establish a minor injuries unit in Formby. Members discussed the problem of accessibility for many residents and agreed to consider this further at the next meeting.

20.0 Planning Applications

20.1 Councillor Derek Baxter informed members that there is a consultation on planning reforms. There are proposed new planning reforms on introducing grey belt land ie land in the green belt that has been used for agricultural building, which would affect greenbelt land in Formby. It was agreed to respond on behalf of Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils. Anyone may comment online by 24 September.

20.2 Brackenway allocated site – it was noted that Formby Parish Council have received a letter from a resident expressing concern about potential methane gas be released which would be an issue for the houses existing on Brackenway. It was reported that the Contaminated Land Team have made comments on application DC/2024/00207 in relation to Brackenway:

“6. Tier Environmental Ltd detailed in the Ground Investigation Report that ground levels will need to be raised across the majority of the development site to provide a development platform.

In their correspondence, Tier Environmental Ltd state it was previously identified that there may be a risk to adjacent site users from migration of ground gas from the peat deposits due to the surcharging of the deposits if ground levels are to raised. It is proposed that gas monitoring wells will be installed on the site boundary and monitoring undertaken during and following site earthworks.”

Cllr Baxter will respond to the resident and planning department noting our concerns.

21.0 To Discuss and Resolve the following:

21.1 To approve a contribution of £250 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas tree.

It was resolved to approve a contribution of £250 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas tree.

21.2 To approve a contribution of £250 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas lights event.

It was resolved to approve a contribution of £250 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas lights event.

21.3 To approve a contribution of £200 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas Hampers for families in need.

It was resolved to approve a contribution of £200 to Formby Parish Council for the Christmas Hampers.

21.4 To receive an update on the proposed grouping order

The Clerk reported that she had spoken to the electoral services manager, and he advised that “the Boundary Commission have published the final recommendations for Sefton, and we are now waiting for the report to go before Parliament.  Once this is done, we will be able to start the process of reviewing our polling district boundaries and deal with parish boundary matters at the same time.”

22.0 To Authorise Payments

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed:

Clerk services June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct – £625

Internal Audit, Sefton CVS  –  £26.25

Contribution to Xmas tree – £250

Contribution to Xmas lights – £250

Contribution to Xmas hampers – £200

23.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Monday 18 November 2024 at 6.30pm.

Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend.