Agenda for 13th October 2015

Little Altcar Parish Council

Meeting Date: 13th October 2015 7.30pm at Formby Library.



  1. Welcome from the Chair
    1. Outline of the agenda
  2. Attendance and apologies
  3. Members and officers declarations of interest
  4. Minutes of previous meeting
    1. Matters arising from minutes that are not included on the Agenda
  5. Public Forum – 15 minutes
  6. Website update
  7. Neighbourhood Plan report
  8. Local Area Committee report
  9. Ten Parishes report
  10. Sefton MBC report
  11. Remembrance Day
  12. Civic Meeting
  13. Finance Committee
  14. Finance and Accounts report
    1. Payments requiring approval
  15. Planning applications
  16. Any other business
  17. Date of next meeting