Minutes 4 May 2021 – Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

This meeting was held online due to the Covid 19 pandemic


Councillors: Leo Kolassa, Sandra Baxter, Maria Bennett, Bob McCann, Michael Walsh and Michael Weild.

In Attendance: Mrs C Jenkins (Clerk), Jill Hendry (Admin Assistant) and 0 member of public

1.0 To elect a Chairman for 2021-22, the Clerk will arrange for the “Declaration of Acceptance of Office” to be signed.

Nominations were received for Cllr Kolassa

It was resolved that Cllr Kolassa be elected as Chairman

As the meeting was held online, the Clerk will arrange for The Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

2.0 To elect a Vice Chairman for 2021-22, the Clerk will arrange for the “Declaration of Acceptance of Office” to be signed.

Nominations were received for Cllr Walsh

It was resolved that Cllr Walsh be elected as Vice-Chairman

As the meeting was held online, the Clerk will arrange for The Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be signed and witnessed by the Proper Officer.

3.0 Apologies for Absence

There were apologies received from Cllr Irving.

4.0 Members Declaration of Interest

There were no interests declared.

5.0 Public Forum

The meeting was adjourned for this item

There were no members of public in attendance.

The meeting was reconvened

6.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 7 January 2021 were approved as a correct record and the Clerk will be arrange for them to be signed by the Chairman.

7.0 Matters of Report from Previous Meeting

The were no matters of report from the previous meeting.

8.0 The Retiring Chairman’s Annual Report

Cllr Kolassa reported “The last year has been unprecedented due to Covid. Even so, despite the restrictions, we do seem to have come through it all intact and through the benefit of using ZOOM, kept Council business going.  The technology has certainly helped to bring us together, but it still doesn’t replace seeing each other in person.  Hopefully, our next meeting will be back at the library where we can meet face to face.”

The Chairman went on to say that over the last year, and usually in tandem with Formby Parish Council, we had raised a number of concerns with the Sefton Planning Council Planning Department, over planning compliance and the environmental impact a new development was having, once the site works started. Cllr Kolassa added ” we will need to remain vigilant and keep raising our concerns with the Planning Department when there is evidence of non-compliance with planning or there is a detrimental impact on the local neighbourhood or potential damage to the environment ”

He went on to say that he was happy to continue as Chairman for the next year and would like to have discussions with the Chairman of Formby Parish Council regarding the merger of the two Councils over the next few years. Cllr Kolassa attended the Remembrance Service in November. Cllr Kolassa also expressed his thanks to Claire and Jill for their work throughout the past year.

9.0 Annual Return

9.1 To receive the Internal Auditors Report

It was resolved to approve the Internal Auditors Report.

9.2 To approve the annual governance statement section 1

Cllrs answered yes to questions 1-8 (question 9 not applicable) detailed on the governance statement and this was recorded on the Annual Return, which will be published on the website.

It was resolved that the governance statement section 1 be approved. As the meeting was held online, the Clerk will arrange for it to be signed by the Chairman.

9.3 To approve the accounting statements section 2

It was resolved that the accounting statements section 2 be approved. As the meeting was held online, the Clerk held up the statement to the camera to show her signature and will arrange for it to be signed by the Chairman.

9.4 To certify as exempt from a limited assurance review under section 9 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015

It was resolved that Little Altcar Parish Council certify that during the year 2020/21 the higher of the Authorities gross income for the year or gross annual expenditure for the year did not exceed £25,000 and approved that the circumstances have been met to declare as exempt from a limited assurance review.

9.5 To note the dates set for the exercise of public rights: 7 June to 16 July 2021

Cllrs noted the dates set for the exercise of public rights.

10.0 Planning Applications

10.1 Liverpool Road Site Foul Pumping Station.

It was noted that the sewage pumping station has been proposed near existing residents’ homes. Cllr McCann has called in the application at Sefton Council arguing that here is no reason why the pumping station cannot be placed elsewhere on the development.

10.2 Construction Waste Disposal site by Formby Football Club.

Members discussed the ongoing issues at the site and noted that an enforcement notice has been served.

11.0 To Authorise Payments

It was resolved to approve the payments as listed:

  1. Internal Audit, Sefton CVS – £25
  2. Clerks Services, Formby Parish Council – £250
  3. Insurance renewal, Zurich – £206.08

12.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next Ordinary meeting of Little Altcar Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 7 September 2021.


Members of the press and public are cordially invited to attend